About Hiking the Glen

The Hiking the Glen project started as a project to encourage hiking in and around Camp Glen Gray in the Ramapo Mountains in Bergen County. The project's initial activity was the development of a series of hiking sheets and other hiking information for use by the campers at Glen Gray. Those sheets are available on this site under the Glen Gray Hikes tab.

The project slowly expanded to include other hiking activities. Some of them, such as Challenge Hiking that includes GeoCaching and Peak Bagging were originally oriented towards Glen Gray. Now they are somewhat more generic and applicable to other areas in addition to the Glen Gray area.

The other expansion was to include other hiking opportunities in other areas. The Lenape Trail was the first of these expansions, the Liberty Gap Trail is a future project. There will likely be more in the months and years to come. Please stay in touch and see what we are doing.

Enjoy the hike,
